
Each gift is a catalyst that advances our students’ artistic and professional aspirations. Scholarships, access to world-class faculty, invaluable performance opportunities, unique programs and course offerings, and other critical academic experiences are all possible because of private support.

Thanks to donors like you who share our passion, we are able to provide transformative experiences for our students as they prepare to become the next generation of theatre leaders.

Ways To Give

You have a number of options for how to give to Illinois Theatre.

Gifts of Cash: Gifts of cash may be made online with a credit card, by mail, through automatic deductions from your bank account, and more. Gifts made by check should be made payable to UIF/Department of Theatre. Mail your gift along with an accompanying note stating that your gift is for the Department of Theatre to:

University of Illinois Foundation
PO Box 734500
Chicago, IL 60673-4500

Sponsor a Production: Gifts may be designated to support a specific production or production need.

Gifts of Stock and Securities: Gifts of this nature provide significant tax advantages.

Matching Gifts have the ability to double – or even triple – the impact of your gift.

Planned Gifts: Planned gifts allow you to support Illinois Theatre through a bequest, charitable trust, or other deferred giving vehicle.

Gifts of Property: Property such as real estate, art, or collectibles can provide excellent tax benefits.

Endowments: An endowment is a self-renewing resource that the University holds in perpetuity and does not spend. Instead, endowed gifts are invested, and the earnings from these investments help fund scholarships, fellowships, and other needs of the Department of Theatre.

Creating an endowed fund gives you an opportunity to put your name or the name of another person or organization on the endowment in memory or tribute. The minimum investment required to create an endowment within the Department of Theatre is $25,000, and may be established with an outright or planned gift.

For more information about making a gift to Illinois Theatre, please contact Associate Director of Advancement, Bethany Whoric; or call (217)300-6042.

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